Healthrisen is our dedicated platform to share information related to healthcare. Medical professional, organization can build & promote their profile.

Omnimedical Limited provides Medical Transcription Services to several NHS hospitals. Cogniz is responsible to look after all IT infrastructure and working in partnership to provide best value to hospitals.

MediTech Solutions Limited provides Clinical Summarisation Services to GPs. Cogniz take all technical decision to make sure their client receive best of their services.

DNS Associates LLP is a Charted Accountancy firm which provides accounting services to small businesses and IT contractors. Cogniz is working in partnership with DNS Associates to launch a new product “FINAC”.

NHS is the largest health care organization which provides comprehensive medical services to nation. Cogniz works within the NHS framework to provide high customer value.

Autodesk is well known into Architects. Cogniz provides the architectural and .NET development consultancy for major projects and become the key part of their team.

Clarity Commerce Solutions is a hospitality company which provides software services to several sectors. Cogniz take core role into system design and development consultancy.

Richmond Group is a financial institution. Cogniz successfully able to reduce computation time by optimizing the several complex algorithms.